TC Wins RICS Wales “Project of the Year” Award 2012


We are delighted to announce our project, the Glynrhedyn project in Ferndale, has been awarded RICS 2012 Wales Project of The Year.

TC Consult project and cost managed the scheme from its initial concept back in 2009. The project was not looking likley to proceed due to budget constraints linked to an inefficient design. TC Consult were approached to review and help, and we brought in CW Architects to develop a design together, that could be built economically and in phases. The design and phased solution formed a key part of the funding application, which TC Consult managed alongside Charity Futures, and the project received an initial grant award of £1.4m.

The project was procured and managed by TC Consult and delivered on budget. The completed phase 1 is a thriving local business and community hub. It employs 14 staff from the local area who were previously unemployed, and as a limited company is trading well.

This is a true success story, which we are proud to have been an integral part of.

The project will now go forward for the RICS national awards in October.

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